Saturday, 12 December 2009

I have now....

...tidied up, hoovered, drunk mulled wine with my parents and some more mulled wine and some vodka with Micke. It is 8.30pm and I am making dinner. Leftovers. I have not started my presentation or revised maths. I did however get extremely cold on my way home from the bus, it felt like my legs actually froze from the inside and I am now thawing next to the radiator.
I have had a great day and evening, I am feeling a little bit tipsy from the vodka and strong mulled wine, and have decided to try and revise or write something with meaning is out of the window.

Instead I am meeting with four great New York women. Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha are distracting my thoughts, which I welcome and embrace. I will probably have a fairly early night, get some sleep and rest my tired head.
I have already played you the christmas song of today. So I think I will play something else....
This is the winner song of Idol, Erik Grönwall, and pretty good in my opinion.
Hope you like it.

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