I dont really know what to write about today. I shouldnt be here at all actually, I should revise maths and practise my preparation for tomorrow. But I am just not doing it. I had dinner with my mum earlier, one of her colleagues a doctor in mental health problems, was supposed to join us because I wanted to talk to her about some mental health issues I want to bring into the book I am trying to write. Unfortuanetly she has been admitted to hospital, so she couldn't make it. Not with mental health issues, I might add...
So now I am watching three programs at the same time (impressive isn't it?) and considering going to bed with my book.
But I am still a bit restless and stressed, thinking about the last conversation I had with my boss before leaving work today. I had spent 15 minutes under a flight of stairs trying to get one of our girls out from there. She was for some reason hysterical and I couldnt reach her, but she finally crawled out and got in her cab to take her home.
My boss then asked me if I had recieved my bun today?
??? my what now?
When she realised I didnt have a clue what she was talking about she shouted to my colleague: "Did Maria not get her bun either???"
My colleague looked at us sheepishly and said "Oh was that hers? We gave it to the cleaner"
My boss's face looked like thunder, but I was still a bit confused about what was going on and I didnt understand why she was getting herself so worked up about a bun?
She carries on telling me that she had sent over the buns and ginger breads as an apolgy since I didnt get invited to the christmas party..Aparently she had told someone in the team to invite me and that person "forgot" to invite me.
To be honest I am not that bothered about the christmas food or the bun, it is the fact that I am seen as just "the temp" and not a part of the team and not important to invite to staff do's...Even though I was there to help them out whilst they were at home "healing their souls".
It's not the case that I feel bullied, I dont allow anyone to make me feel like that anymore, I just think they are behaving like spoiled school children and I havent got time for that. I am there to look after the children and make sure they are happy and learn as much they can whilst in school.
I have told myself just to let it go, not to waste anymore time getting wound up about it.
So moving on to a more enjoyable topic. Betty is probably coming over for my birthday!! I am so excited!
She will ask for time off tomorrow and we shal speak on skype tomorrow night!
We will have such a great time if she comes! Cant wait!
Ok so time has come to the christmas song of today, I was in two minds, if I should pick a "classic" or a newer version of a christmas song...
And I went for a "new" song, which was nr one christmas 2003. Enjoy!
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