I did my presentation on Guy Fawkes today. It went well, even though I was sick with nerves before I started. My tutor told me I will recieve highest marks!! I am really pleased and quite proud of myself, I know most people thinks that it would be strange if I didnt get top marks, but for me it was never a guarantee, just because I lived in England and I speak fluent english. So today is a happy day.
I have talked to Alexandra on Skype for nearly two hours, which has been great as always, we talked about everything and nothing, and even if I tried to tell you, I know I couldnt, I cant really remember, just Alexandra stuff that only we understand.
As I am about to finish the conversation I see a small creature crawling on my carpet. It is in fact Mr Spider...
A few months ago, everytime I opened my back door I got a facefull of cobwebb. I cant say that I have a fobia of spiders, but nobody likes to get covered in the sticky stuff, right? Unless you are some kind of witch wanna-be..
Everytime I burned it with my lighter and finally I thought he got the message, because the cobwebb was no-more.
What had happened was probably that he got cold and decided to hide for the winter. In my flat.
Well more fool him because I just killed him.
What a cheek, to think he could hibernate here with me.
I am waiting for another skype conversation, this time with Betty, so I better finish writing and be ready for her highness to call me.
I will leave you with the christmas song of the day, it is another song that for me is very English, but I think it is known in other parts of the world. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and it makes you feel christmassy.
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