I woke up early today, after a warm shower I drove to my mums house where I made gingerbread cookies. My parents house filled with a warm cinamony, christmas smell which is yum.
I then went to work for a few hours, still not decided if I fancy the new temp or not, but he is only there until Monday, then he has other places to go to. So if I do fancy him I better give him my nr on monday, if I dont fancy him it is ok, I will never see him again. Problem solved.
Gorgeous Sofie came to pick me up just before six o'clock with her two little adorable daughters. We had chicken, roasted vegetables and salad for dinner which I enjoyed tremendously. Could have eaten it forever.
We then crashed in the sofa and watched the final of Idol. Erik, who won, is fantastic, great voice, I will play his song for you at another date.
It has been another great night with a fab girly, I realise once again how incredibly lucky I am to have such great friends around me who has effortlessly fitted me into their lives again.
I love them dearly, and I realise that I wouldnt have stayed here had it not been for them.
Tomorrow my parents are coming for christmas mulled wine, ginger breads and saffron buns. At some point this weekend I hope to meet with Micke for our mulled wine, and the rest of the weekend will be devoted to studies, revising and preparations.
I cant wait til thursday, then it is over.
I used to play this song loud in my car whilst driving up to the airport on my way home to spend christmas in sweden. It is something magical about it, and I have to listen to it every year.
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