Friday 18 July 2008

The green eyed monster

Oh no,
Alcohol is baaaad, it brings out the green eyed monster in me.......
Ive been out tonight, and so has he.....he bumped into his ex.................
(not me....but some little slut.......)

Why did i need to know that? And why am i so upset?
Ive had a great night, talked a lot to a great man (that I am NOT intrested in but he was nice and fun to talk to.....)

And all I want now is snuggle up in his arms and go to sleep (my ex's arms.....not the man Ive been talking to tonigh...)
Would love to go to sleep and then wake up in his arms

But why am i thinking about that?
He will snore, probably slap me (unconciounsly in his sleep......) and his feet will stink so much it will take a week to get rid of it............................

Why do i want that?

Ah sometimes life sucks

Night night

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