Ive watched this film today...
It is made from the book with the same titel.
It is a chick flic, a rom com a feelgood film...
And it is pretty boring..
Sarah Jessica Parker looks and sounds the same as in all of her films, slightly breathless, raised eyebrows, open mouth and constantly swiwelling her her back and forward, almost in a figure 8...
She plays Kate Reddy (I actually had to google this...I had already forgotten...) who works as a financial executive and juggles that with her husband and two kids.
She is obviously very good at her job, and travels a lot which her daughter punishes her for and her husband blames her for when their two-year old son falls down the stairs (by the way..the kid playing the son looks MUCH older than two years old...)
There are some of the mandatory "confrontation scenes" (obviously)
1. Where Kate breathlessly tells her boss that she cant travel during the weekend because she needs to build a snowman.And if he cant accept that, then he has to fire her, because she WILL NOT give up, She CANT give up!!
Obviously he lets her get away with it, no rom com worth its name would allow him to fire her..
2. When Kate and her husband comes home from the hospital after their son had a bump on the head because he fell down the stairs.
Kate blames her husband for not fixing the carpet and he tells that "at least he was there!" Kate slams her hands on thecounter and sighs "Yes! I am a dissapointment, I FAILED!! But without my job I am nothng. NOTHING!"
And obviously they make up and in the end the live happily ever after. In chaos, because Kate is a juggler...
I do see myself as someone who enjoys chicflics and romcoms, this film however.. Is at the lower end of the scale..
I wouldnt pay money to see it at the cinema, but now when I have seen it, I feel calm and relaxed and ready for bed..
If you love SJP then see it, but in my opinion she is highly overrated..
I have decided to give this film 2 out of 10 M's
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