Monday 21 September 2009

Buried in the books

Im beyond tired, it has been a few intense days, not particularily stressful, but a lot do and not much sleep, which for me is crucial.
As I have said before, I am studying maths, but I havent had my books since they were sold out, I had to wait over a week for them to arrive.
In the meantime the homework pile was building up imensely.
The books arrived on Thursday and I got stuck in immediately, it wasnt as hard as I thought it would be but neither was it completely plain sailing.
After i had finished my work, I logged into internet and ped net which is the schools intranet. I wrote down all the nrs I had calculated and started to get that good feeling in my tummy, when you are close to finish off a task.

And then internet decided that enough was enough and I could do without internet now for a it shut me out, and down and then refused to log me back on! i am not impress I will tell you!
So I packed up my overnight bags to take to my parets on saturday on my way to work and then watched "Idol" the Swedish version.
Its not as good as X-factore....but it will do for now.

On saturday night we had our class reunion, 20 years after we finished Elementary school...
I will write about that night later on, I feel i need to be more awake and focus to do it justice, it was such a good night, Im still buzzing.

Right now however I need to get some sleep, my eyes are heavy and unfocused and I will shortly fall asleep.

Until next time, have a good night and day tomorrow.

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