Thursday 19 November 2009

Aches and pains

I have had several emails this week from you who read my blog wondering why I am not updating anymore? And if I have stopped blogging completely? I am not stopping. Life is just a bit hectic...I have been working fulltime 6.30am-16.00 monday to friday which I have not done for several years!
I work in a school for children with special needs, I love it, but it is exhausting. So when I get home I have dinner, shower watch tv for an hour, then I'm passed out in bed.
I am beyond flattered from Your responses, I bow my head and just hope I can still interest you, inspire you and maybe make you laugh.

On Tuesday I got the swineflu jab. The doctor pinched me so hard I didn't even feel the needle prick my skin or the fluid being pressed into the flesh of my arm. You are warned that you might get some side effects but yesterday I felt fine, my arm didn't hurt and I didn't have a temperature. This morning however, I woke up and the left side of my body felt paralyzed and I could hardly lift my left arm. I have now had a hot, almost scalding shower, I have taken a paracetamol and am relaxing with some trashy tv and writing the blog. The dishes are piled fairly high behind me, I will take care of them before I go to bed, but right now, is me time.
I do think I will have an early night again tonight, with my book.
Tomorrow is thankfully Friday, this weekend will be spent researching Guy Fawkes and 5th November celebrations for my English essay. I will also get my christmas decorations out!! Next weekend will be devouted to turning my little flat into Santas Grotto.
With that I will leave you with one of my favourite christmas party songs. Get into the spirit people.

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