Saturday 13 March 2010

Are you an adult or a youngster?

It has been, to say the least, a busy week. Work has been good, I just want to say that I have great colleagues in my unit. They make me laugh and the days pass quickly and I dont even mind getting up at six am everyday. But once I get home I realise how tired I am and dont turn the tv or computer on for at least an hour.

Yesterday I went to Sara's for dinner, I wanted to treat her to dinner, but since my flat is just not suitable for entertaining I brought the food to hers. I made tacos (which someone earlier on had pointed out was SO '90s...) and even though the avocado was too hard to make guacamole of, and I had left the chocolate sauce for the dessert somewhere along the way it was a very good night and the food went down a treat.
I dont know if I have told you before but Sara is my oldest friend, we were just teeny tiny babies when we got to know each other at nurseryschool. We used to hide underneath the table where I cut her hair... In most of the group photos Sara is sporting a diagonal fringe and uneven layers...

Last night we talked about how "grown-up" we are, we took a test were you get points for how many "adult" things we have or do i.e clubcard in the grocery store, hatchback, houseloan, children, married, soduko, bath without wetting your hair...well, you get the picture.
Sara was convinced she wouldnt get many adult points at all since she doesnt feel like a grown up..she got 56 out of 86 which earned her the comment "Mature mother"
I only got 12 grown-up points and was told to "get a haircut and a job"
12 out of 86..I am still just a teenager at in my basementflat, with no real responsibilities apart from getting to work on time, paying the rent on time and paying my phonebill every month.

We stayed up til around midnight when I just couldnt keep my eyes open anymore (I should get adult points for that..) and I went to sleep in her oldest sons bed (who stayed at a friends house) and I slept til half past seven this morning (should also get some adult points for that..)
We had breakfast, all the while Sara's youngest son entertained us with "Run to the hills" by Iron Maiden, played over and over again, not always the whole song, but just the first guitarr solo. Which to be fair is the best part..
Sara and her family was going out with with the caravan (LOTS of adult points for having a caravan...) so my mum picked me up (no adults points for that...) and we drove to Ikea so I could buy some candles and other bits. I love living so close to Ikea.
I bought some tulips aswell to bring the spring into my flat (surely that should give me at least one adult point..) and when i came home I lit lots of candles and tucked myself up in bed after doing the launry and washing my hair.
It has been a very good day, I feel more relaxed and closer to having my batteries fully charged. But I will probably go to bed really early, just to be nice to myself (and again, there should be adultpoints for going to bed before ten, at least on a weekend)

I will leave you with the song that has been played in my head since eight o'clock this morning. Enjoy and thanks Lucas. x

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