Saturday 13 February 2010

The curse of valentines night

The night is not turning out as bad as I thought it would...I have watched the last episodes of Desperate Housewives series 5 and I am about to put on one of the dvds I bought yesterday. It is no slushy romantic valentine crap, but instead scary and intelligent oscar winners. I am also ignoring the "melody festival" which is best watched with friends, drinking wine and making fun of the contestants.
I have never been a "valentines freak", probably because I was never one of the popular kids that was bombarded with roses in school, for so long I was always single on valentines day and normally ended up working it anyway.
I really dont understand the hype about it, but it still feels a bit shitty when someone asks you if I have anything nice planned and when the answer is no they tilt their head to one side and pout, "Awww poor you, oh well, plenty of more fish in the sea.."
What does that mean actually?
Well I know what it means...but why do you say that to someone?
I really dont understand it, and is the next week ruined because I am spending this day alone? Or maybe my whole life is supposed to be ruined?
At least I am not spending it in a house full of loved up people having sex, like last year...

I need to get back to my movie now. Bet it is awesome!!!

Found this on a "F**k valentine's day" site on You tube, and realised there are people out there who are more bitter than what I am. Wohoo!
Made me think of how much I like Bon Jovi and I dont think this is a "Love sucks" song...
Hope you like it.
Enjoy your night, however you are spending it.

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