Friday 19 February 2010


The weather men are warning for a "class 2" storm coming in this evening and night. Whatever that is..?
I went grocery shopping after work and some people were stocking up like we are preparing for war with tonnes of food and drink.
I really hope they are wrong, I am so done with snow now...And I cant think of anything worse than being couped up in this flat for a whole weekend with nothing better to do than think about other peoples lives and how happy they are or how weird I think they are.
Take the couple who got together when they were fifteen years old,(lets call them Susan and Dave) by the time they were nineteen years old, they had two beautiful babygirls, they lived the happy family life together and after they turned twnetyfive they decide to have another baby (which turned out to also be a girl) and a year later they were pregnant again and this time it is a boy that pops out.
Less than a year after the boy is born, Dave has cheated on Susan with a girl at work and moved in with her (shal I just call her whore? no lets call her Lydia, slutty Lydia) Dave and slutty Lydia are living together and I am all for distroying them in Susans honor, but then I find out that Susan has a new man aswell and is living happily (I guess) with him.

Then there is the girl I went to school with, one of the "popular" ones who used to tell us about how she would travel around the world and probably be in a rockband. She met the man of her dreams when she was seventeen and is now married to him with two children and live in a suburb, the furthest away she ever came was Spain.

There is the girl I worked with just before I moved back to Sweden who was then single and cursed every man she talked to, but still managed to give birth to a baby boy a month ago (nine months after I left England..)
And then there is the woman who is working so hard to keep the facade up that she lives a happy life with her husband and two children in a nice house and regular holidays, but she cheats on him, every opportunity she gets, with the excuse "He wanted me, what was I suppose to do?"
If I get snowed in and stuck indoors, that is the full extent of the excitement of this weekend for me.
Unless someone comes to my rescue and saves me from this possible misery.

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