Saturday 4 April 2009

My promise to me

So I have now moved all my boxes from Betty's garage to Vanessa's attic.
It was HARD work, and in my mind I really thought that if Betty could just help me get the boxes into my car, once I got to Vanessa's house I would be fine carry them up 3 flights of stairs.
Betty told me not to be so bloody stupid and she threw in some other names for good measure, in true Betty fashion, just so i know what an idiot I am.
Well, she was right of course.
I managed to carry one box of Christmas decorations and one small box of glasses before I thought my lungs was collapsing.
Betty on the other hand carried all the other boxes on her own and i only helped her with the box containing books...
What would I have done without her?
Probably had an asthma attack and died!

So my promise to me is:
Look after myself.
Get healthy, get fit and be happy.
I wont embark on some crazy military diet/fitness program, but I will eat more fruit and vegetables and less chocolate.
I will start with walks and look into yoga and Pilate's.
I will also look into "mental and spiritual well being", because I'm fascinated and interested.
I might find that it is nothing for me, but I might also realise there is a whole world out there, just waiting for me to come and explore?

But my promise to me is also to listen to myself more and not ignore the signals my body are sending me.
With this I'm hoping to make myself well and healthy again.

What is your promise to you?

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