Saturday 20 June 2009


There is a commercial on Swedish television at the moment, for a mobile phone (or network..?) and I have got the song caught in my head so I logged onto YouTube..

And I wish I never had...
I should just have left it, and thought of it as an annoying song and then forgotten about it....

This is what came up,

I don't know what to say about it.
Nobody can say that this is Swedish music at its best...
It is just not good, it is so bad, that I now cant get it out of my head..
And the worst(?) is, that I THINK I know these two girls...
I recognise them, but I don't know from where...

Did we go to school or college together?
Are they friends of a friend of a friends cousin?
Or something like that?

Do they have a record deal?
Will we be forced to listen to similar noise for the rest of the summer?

For you non Swedish speakers I will translate some of it...
"Give me give me give me some more, something I can work with give me, give me give me give me some more, I want much more. I'm not playing hard to get, but did you really think it would be you and me. Give me, give me, give me some more"
And so it carries on....

Do yo know what I hate the most?
The fact that I cant stop singing it.....
You're all welcome, now you have it in your head too....

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