Saturday 14 March 2009

Bath time

I have just had a bath.
This is fairly rare for me, I don't really like baths, to quote Chandler in Friends:
"Whats so good about baths? You just sit there stewing in your own filth"
People say that having a bath is so relaxing, it takes away all your stress and eases your tense muscles.
Well... I disagree.
Firstly because it's boring. Sitting in water with nothing to do, Ive tried to read a book, but normally drop it in the water and even if I put it on the radiator to dry it is never the same after. Its like all the "magic" has been washed away.
Listen to music? Yes OK I can do that, but that requires that i take my laptop up to the bathroom and then it has to sit outside on the landing because I don't trust myself not to splash water on it, and that would also mean that everyone else in the house would have to listen to whatever I am listening to and I somehow cant see that going down a treat.

But tonight I decided that a bath was in order because my legs needed shaving.
I shave my legs, cant do waxing on my own, too painful and I'm not too keen on the idea to pay someone else to torture me.
So razor and shaving foam it is.
I don't need to shave very often, every 6 months ish...
I don't know if it is because I am blond or if I am actually partly albino. But the hair on my body just doesn't grow very fast and shaving my legs every 5-6 months is absolutely fine.

But I still have the issue of "stewing in own filth", so before i have a bath I have a shower and wash my hair.
That is another thing, I cant wash my hair in the bath, get dirty shampoo remains stuck to myself. Unpleasant.

Tonight I also put a deep conditioner on my hair to work its magic whilst I "relaxed" in my bath.
I put lots of bubbles in the water and hoped for aching muscles to loosen up.
They didn't.

As I've mentioned before I'm 6ft tall so I don't really fit into a bath as one would like to, with result of tense muscles in neck is nowhere near water and knees are getting cold.

I quickly shaved my legs (which was the whole point of having a bath)
I then had to have another shower to rinse out the deep conditioner from my hair and all the bubbles from the bath which were clinging on for dear life to my body.

The water was hot and pelted down on my neck, I could feel my muscles easing and i started to feel my knees again.
That is what I call relaxing!
All in all I have been in the bathroom for nearly 2 hours!
And the thing that made me relax the most only took 10 minutes.

I have now slathered myself in moisturizer and put a "cooling gel" on my feet, (they need some TLC as well..) and I'm tucked up in bed ready for my dvd night.

I bet i wont stay awake through the first film...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love baths...I used to have one almost every day but now it's more than a month ago. Can't wait to soak in a bath again with a Lush bathbomb and a good book. Bliss! Sx



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