Monday 9 February 2009

Caught red handed......

As I have mentioned in previous posts I live in a house share for time being. Its a big old Victorian house and there is 5 of us living here.

Im the only one who doesnt have a 9-5 job, so my time routine is somewhat "off" from the others, which means I never eat at the same time as they do, I dont get up at the time they do so I never have to stand in line for any of the bathrooms.

This suits me perfectly since I somehow feel that the house is actually mine and i live here on my own (the fact that I never venture past the 2nd floor and dont even know what it looks like up there doesnt matter, I hate stairs)

I suppose this has spoiled me somehow and Im not as careful as maybe I should be when I walk around the house in my underwear, (I am after all swedish...) but I have never even bumped into anyone on the stairs after having a shower when Im wrapped in one towel and got another wrapped "turban style" round my hair.

So if I wake up during the night because "nature calls" I just go to the loo in my pj's and dont really think any more about it...

Or at least up until last night....

To make the matters worse yeaterday was laundry day so instead of my pj's I slept in a vest and my knickers.

At 03.14 I woke up feeling like my bladder was about to explode so I litterally threw myself out of bed and aimed for the bathroom.

I was to say the least surprised to bump into my "neighbour" who lives in the room next to me.

He had obviously just been to the bathroom and was on his way back to bed, however he is dressed very respectable in a dressing gown and slippers..

He looked chocked to see me aswell and the vest is a bit "washed out" and barely covers my modesty but its perfect to sleep in.

We mumbled "Oh..sorry" to each other and went our separate ways.

Once in the bathroom I wanted to bang my head against the wall and I kept repeating to myself: "Dressing gown!! Dressing gown! Wear it for goodness sake..."

I finished my business and as I opened the door there is my other neighbour! Who lives in the room above me....

She is also wearing a dressing gown!

She looked at me in what can only be described as pure horror!

Again I mumbled "oh..sorry" and hurried down the stairs and into my own safe bedroom.

Note to self: Wear your dressing gown!

I have now decided to hibernate in my bedroom and only come out at night, mind you it seems like there is a lot of traffic on the stairs even during the nocturnal hours in this house

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