Sunday 22 February 2009

End of the day

The rest of today has been fairly relaxed, Ive just chilled out and watched my box set of "Angel".
David Boreanaz is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen!
His torso is lush and I literally drool when he takes his top off........
Watching something that isn't based on reality (and the chances of it ever becoming reality is rather slim) have provided me with a well deserved respite from my own feelings and emotions and I found myself having completely switched my brain off after a couple of hours.

I then went to see another of my favourite people in the whole world, Shelley.
She is helping me plan and organise my leaving party next month.
I love party planning, but I always find myself in a total panic when I'm organising my own parties.
What if nobody turns up?
What if I run out of food?
What if no one eats the food?
What if my nails fall off in the dip? (i have a story about me and false nails...)
What if I get too drunk and make a fool of myself?
And what if the outfit i will pick out very carefully makes me look like a heffa??

So yes just a few things I worry about...

I have also started sorting things out from my boxes i have stored in Shelley's garage.
Things I wont take with me back to Sweden and will sell to a girl at work since she has just got her own new flat and hasn't even got a saucepan, bless her.
It made me a bit upset to go through all the stuff, things we used to have in our home.
But I reasoned that there is no point to cling on to plates, cups or bowls just because it will remind me of our dinner times together, so I will start completely afresh when I get home and buy new things that are just mine.
It will take time, maybe even a long time, but I will be fine.

I will now snuggle up in my bed with the rest of "Angel" to watch.
I will sleep well tonight and have sweet dreams of a dark handsome man who will rescue me from the bad guys.
Hopefully he will not wear a shirt and carry me in his arms while I rest my head on his smooth, muscular torso. (I DID say it would be in my dreams...)

1 comment:

Teddy said...

It will take time, maybe even a long time, but I will be fine.

Och jag finns här för dig...



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